DTC Diagnostic Part 2 - Email Analysis

Magic Spoon has some of the best emails in the game. Pilothouse's head of email, Julien, helps us break them down.

Let’s dive in. 👇


Magic Spoon leads off with a contest angle rather than a discount in their pop-up. This route can help prevent the expectation of discounting early on, which is something Magic Spoon likes to avoid.

The opt-in rate will potentially be higher than a discount offer, but conversion rates can be lower depending on the backend follow-up flow.

The design and copy are perfect.

Notice "Like our cereal, our emails contain no junk." A simple, but an impactful line of copy.

Welcome Email 1

Magic Spoon reinforces the brand with a killer headline: "Do you believe in Magic?"

Notice the mid-level CTA "Try Now" at the top.

It’s softer than "Buy Now" which we love.

The reviews answer KEY objections that users might have.

For example:

  • Does it taste good?
  • Is it diet-friendly? (Keto)
  • Is it worth the money?  

Each review answers those questions - apply this to your own brand!

Magic Spoon uses lots of faces throughout their email photography. It’s a small detail, but incorporating a human element goes a LONG way.

Welcome Email 2

If you didn’t convert on the first email, Magic Spoon hits you with this.

Right away they’re focusing on key value props: Low carb, high protein.

The variety pack is the main focus which is a high AOV and helps consumers figure out which flavor is their favorite.

Don’t risk pushing one particular flavor early on. The consumer might not like it and give up on your brand.

Introduce them to a couple of flavors. Even if they don’t order the variety pack, they’re aware of your offerings.

Founder Story

This is absolutely vital to have in your welcome series flow.

It’s a great way to connect consumers with your brand early on.

It’s a simple email that answers the following:

  • Here’s the problem we noticed.
  • Our "Aha" moment.
  • The steps we took to solve it.

Notice the soft CTA "Learn More."

This helps transfer users from the email to the website where they’ll potentially make a purchase.

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