September 11, 2024

Bonus: How Payne Glasses Uses iAdvize AI to Improve Customer Experience (Get a FREE Pair!)

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Meet Our Guest

This week on the DTC Podcast, we venture into the evolving landscape of AI-driven customer service.

Our guests, Mike de la Cruz, President of iAdvize, and Katie Himes from Payne Glasses, are here to share how new AI tools are changing the game for DTC brands looking to improve their site experiences.

If you’re looking for fresh ways to level up your brand’s customer engagement, this episode is full of practical insights and real-world examples. Let’s get started! 👇

🕵️‍♀️ The Challenge: Making Shopping for Glasses Online Easy

Katie from Payne Glasses kicks things off by giving us a peek into the world of the Pittsburgh-based company. 

Payne Glasses is all about making stylish eyewear—everything from sunglasses to prescription glasses—affordable and accessible for everyone.

But there’s a catch: buying glasses is usually a high-touch experience. 

Think about it—you’re not just clicking “add to cart” without some serious consideration. 

People have tons of questions, like “Can I use my HSA card?” or “What size frames will fit me best?” 

For a small team like Payne’s, managing a constant flood of inquiries across chat, phone, email, and text was getting out of hand. Enter iAdvize.

🤖 Redefining Customer Service with AI

Mike explains how the latest AI chatbots, like those powered by large language models (think business-ready versions of ChatGPT), are a huge leap forward from the clunky bots of the past. 

These new bots create a personalized, human-like conversation, making customers feel like they’re chatting with a real person—without all the frustrating back-and-forth.

For Payne Glasses, adopting the iAdvize chatbot has been a game-changer. 

Before, the team was overwhelmed by repetitive questions that bogged down their day. Now, they can handle multiple chats at once, cutting down on response time and letting them focus on more complex customer needs.

📊 The Results: More Conversions, Less Stress

So, what’s the payoff?

The chatbot isn’t just a fancy productivity tool—it’s a real driver of results. On average, brands using iAdvize see a 14% increase in conversion rates, which is miles above the usual 2-3% seen in ecommerce. 

Payne Glasses is seeing even better results, showing how powerful AI can turn curious browsers into loyal customers.

And it’s not just about boosting sales. The AI chatbot also provides valuable insights into customer behavior, helping Payne Glasses identify friction points on their website and make the shopping experience smoother and more intuitive.

🛒 Connecting with Customers of All Ages

Here’s something interesting: even older customers are embracing the AI chatbot! 

Many assume they’re talking to a human, which leads to more engaging and meaningful interactions. For Payne Glasses, whose customer base includes a lot of older folks on fixed incomes, this has been a surprising win.

🌟 See It in Action

Curious to try the AI chatbot for yourself? Here’s your chance! 

As a special offer, listeners of the DTC Podcast can visit the Payne Glasses website and chat with the iAdvize bot directly. Plus, there’s a bonus: a free pair of glasses just for you! 👀👓

Head over to to claim your offer and see how AI can help you through your shopping experience.

🎧 Tune In for More

Want to learn more about how AI changes the way brands interact with customers? Make sure to listen to the full episode. It’s packed with tips, stories, and strategies to help you rethink your approach to customer engagement.

Listen to the Full Episode Here

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